Tools and Pumpkins!

A big, warm BOO to the YELLOW CLASS

You’ve been playing with TOOLS this week!  I wish this year I could be in class to play with your tools with you!

Since I can’t, this week’s virtual lesson is a song in English about the tools in your tool box!  I hope you like it!

I also wish I could draw little orange pumpkins on your faces, but instead I will leave you with some songs to sing and dance to celebrate Halloween a little bit with your families!

Happy Halloween! I’ll be back next week with more virtual learning!


Colors and Colors of Fall

Hello everyone!

I miss being with my littlest students in the Yellow Class, so I am back with some more virtural English to reach out to them a bit!

This past week, the students in the yellow class have been painting a lot and playing  with autumn leaves.

Here are some English videos to help get you in the mood of the season and support some of the play that the  children have been doing with Nuria!

First, to practice colors in English, I will leave you with Matt from Dream English!

And, here is another favorite of mine to talk about fall!

Have fun singing and dancing to these songs! I will see you soon!

Have a good week!


New Teacher

Dear families:

I am Ángela, the new English and French teacher in pre-school and early primary and I’m so glad to  have the opportunity to teach your little ones!

As you may already know, this is my first year at Alquería, so I’m getting to know my little students and help them get used to their new teacher as soon as possible.

Thus (as you can imagine) last week has been a bit of a «restart» in language classroom, during which time we’ve been reviewing previous contents in English, especially the greetings song and introductions .
I am quickly learning their names and a little bit of their amazing characters and personalities.

I’m eager to get to know them better as we move forward in October!  I will post again soon and update you on what exactly we are working on in English and French class!

Have a wonderful week!
