Archivo de la etiqueta: hat

Help! I’m being eaten by a SNAKE!


A quick update on the Yellow Class.   We have been studying SO MANY THINGS since Christmas.

It’s winter and it is COLD!!!!

So, we are practicing our chant:

Put on your hat 

Put on your scarf  

Put on your jacket 

Put on your gloves 


We still  are practicing the weather as part of our daily class routine singing this song:

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Play it at home! You’ll be surprised at how well the kids can sing some parts of the song!

Also we are learning a new song.  It is a poem set to music by the chirldren’s author Shel Silverstein.  It’s called «I’m being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor.»  

We are dancing, singing, practicing body parts and animals.  What a wonderful excuse to discuss lots of things in English.

Here is a version of the story being read to listen at home.

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