Hi everyone- We just wanted to wish you a happy long weekend to re-charge and relax.  We have had an intense beginning to our school year, and it is time to take a short break and come back fresh to dig into all new material!

So, kick back and enjoy our SUPER LONG WEEKEND.

Here is a song to help you get your groove on!

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See you next week!

Lindley and Manolo

Finishing Revision Work

Hello Year 5 and 6 –

Our work this week includes finishing a comprehensive revision of the basics that everyone should feel comfortable with from this point in time.  Since we will be going over basic personal information this week in class, here are some real world examples for listening practice and fluency practice.  Try responding to the questions in the videos using your own information.

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We will talk more about these topics in class this week.  Meanwhile, happy practice!


Lindley and Manolo