YEAR 4. Personal Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives REVISION MAY 2023

Hello! Just click on this picture in order to revise  Possessive adjectives.    


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Hope you enjoy!



Hi Year 6

Look for the vocabulary with a *.  Try to guess the meaning from the context, and after you read this post, check to see if guessed the meaning correctly!

As you all are well aware, we are in the final push* to put together all your English knowledge gleaned* over your years in Alquería.

To that end* here are some extra resources for you to practice with at home with your mum or dad or a sibling.  You can even get together and practice together!  Whether or not you practice with someone else, try answering these questions out loud to get used to* speaking your answers!

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And to hone* your listening skills, a reminder to have fun playing on lyrics training!


We hope you find these games and resources useful.


Key Vocabulary from this post!

final push=a last big effort

to glean=gather information

to that end=for that reason,  intention to produce a result

get used to= to become accustomed to something

hone= to sharpen, or increase your skills