Archivo de la etiqueta: WMD

Today is WMD! Do you know what that is?

Hi Year 5-

Here is a curious fact for you:

March 23rd is World Meteorological Day.

Do you know what Meteorology is?

Here is a listening exercise about WMD.  Click the picture to find out about this international day related to weather.

Try to test yourself and listen without reading the article.  Listen several times and see what you understand.

Now click this picture to see how much you remember about the audio clip.

How did you do?  Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

Do you want to know more about this quirky international holiday? Follow this link to the World Meteorological Organization to learn more about the weather and protecting our environment.

Can you remember how to talk about weather in general in English?

Watch these videos for a revision!

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Now you can practice doing a weather exercise by clicking here!  Let know how you are doing with these exercises!

What’s your favorite weather?  Let us know in your blog comments! Have a great Monday!

All our best, Teacher and Lindley