Talking about the past

What did you do yesterday?  What did you do last weekend? Last summer? Last year?

As you all know, we are learning about the past simple, beginning with regular -ed endings.  To help you remember how to write, and more importantly pronounce all the different ways to say verbs with -ed, click on the links below for some fun practice.

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… and here is a different strategy to help.

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Click below to play the game and see if you can correctly pronounce the -ed endings in these verbs!


Have fun!  See you back in class!


What are you doing?

We are learning the present continuous verb tense, or how to use

to be + verb + ing

to say what is happening right now or at the moment!

Watch this video to see lots of examples of daily activities in the present continuous verb tense.  You can also see negative sentences and questions.

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Are you interested in seeing some more real examples of how often English speakers use the present continuous?  Have fun watching this video clip of TV shows using -ing!

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Now, see how quickly you can identify verbs with -ing.

Click here.


Now play this game to see if you understand the verbs you hear!

Have fun!  We’ll see you in class.