Archivo de la etiqueta: have got

YEAR 4 Let’s Remember how to use TO BE AND TO HAVE GOT JANUARY 2024

Hello ! Year 4.

Before we carry on with learning new English material, we want to do a quick revision of the verb TO BE alone and and also contrast it with TO HAVE.

We will be talking a lot about it in class this week, but here are some videos for you to review!  Have fun!

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And now, practice by clicking below !  Have fun!

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TeacherAlqueria and Ana. 

Have got: What have you got?

Hello Year 3-

We are working on a new verb this week!  Take a look at these videos to practice how to use HAVE GOT in English.

This video explains how to CONJUGATE, or make the different forms of have got for each pronoun.  It also shows you how to make questions and the negative form.

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Take a look at these videos and we will practice in class this week!


More DEEP Revision

Hello kids-

Here is a blog entry to sum up our revision work in class …

We’d like you to review the videos and try the exercises as our review work is nearly done!

Have fun!

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Now, click on the picture below to practice!

And now, for some food review! Watch and have fun with this video quiz!


And now for a simple review of this / that / these / those…

Click the picture to practice!

And finally, let’s revise how to tell time in English…

Enjoy your reviews!



Manolo and Lindley

Revision: clothes, to be and to have

Hello Year 3-

A quick reminder to keep practicing English on

We suppose you are nearly done with your clothes work pack, so this blog entry is a revision to consolidate your learning so far.  Here are some videos and games so you can keep practicing your knowledge.

Revise clothes (and other) vocabulary with this fun game here. Click the photo to get to the link.

Let us know how you do–we´ll track high scores if you send your results to us in the comments section.

Click the picture below for a game to practice to be:

Click below to use this video lesson to practice the verb have got:

Use this link to help you revise material at a variety of levels.  It includes listening games to, so have your head phones on, or your speaker turned up.


Let us know how you are doing with your work and let us know via the comments section if you have any questions!

Stay well! Stay at home!

All our best,

Teacher Manolo and Lindley

A quick revision of the basics

Hello Year 4-

Here is a quick revision of the basics for you.  Watch the videos and click the links to practice!

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(Pincha para acceder las actividades.)

Have fun!

Lindley and Manolo