Archivo de la categoría: Year 2

Year 2

Dear families :

As you know, next week is Culture Week in Alquería School, and our little English learners have been working a lot on this year’s subject, also in our English class! These kids really love to learn, they have so much curiosity about the world we live in!


We have been talking about the Mediterranean countries, the islands, the coast… We worked on some maps, and we played some funny quiz games!

💡Mini-quiz to make at home with mum/dad and test what you learned!💡

1) Have you ever swum in the Mediterranean Sea?

2) What is «Cyprus»?

a) China

b) Chicago

c) Chipre

3) What is bigger, an Ocean or a Sea?


Do you dare to continue learning about the Mediterranean Sea at home?! Go watch this interesting video!

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See you next week!


Lindley and Ángela



English Year 2

Hi, everyone!

This week, he started studying one of our favourite subjects ever!!! Can you guess…?


As we discover, sing and play, we learn how to say what we like and we don’t like, and we are also learning many different types of food!


See you next week,


Lindley and Ángela

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! 

Here are some of the activities we did in English and French class during the last weeks of December 🎄

We finished our Turkeys in the Orange Class 🦃
We counted the Turkey’s feathers and painted it with autumn colors.
We played Red Riding Hood with finger puppets in the Red Class ☝🏻
Nous avons fait un calendrier personnalisé en 1° et 2°.
We created our Christmas sleigh in the Red Class. We used red paper and yellow and blue plasticine.
Some of the pupils in Year 2 playing with their Calendrier in French Class: «Aujourd’hui, c’est quel jour?», «Mon anniversaire, c’est le…»
Funny music games in the Green Class while it was raining outside.
We made some ornaments for our Christmas Tree in Year 1 and 2 🎄

We created a beautiful snowman in the Orange Class, with a yellow scarf and an orange nose. ⛄


Enjoy your holidays and see you again in January!

Je vous souhaite de bonnes vacances, on se revoit en Janvier!




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English Year 2

Hi everyone!

How are you today? We hope you’re all very happy and excited, as you have four whole days to relax and spend time with your family!

We – Lindley and Ángela- were so surprised to discover your incredible drawing skills! That we had to take some photos and post them in the blog!


And here you can revise some of the feelings we’ve been studying in class with a beautiful film we’re sure you already know!


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Enjoy your weekend!


Lindley and Ángela



English Year 1 and 2

Hi everyone!

This week, we learned a lot about Thanksgiving!

Do you want to watch the story of that smart turkey again? We watched it in Year 1, but those of you in Year 2 can also watch it at home and try to find out how Thanksgiving ended up for the farmer and his family! A slightly different ending! 😉

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You can also make some interesting activities about Thanksgiving!

Click to go to the activity.


Do you remember the name and colour of the elements in the picture below?!


Have fun!

Lindley and Ángela