Archivo de la categoría: Year 1

This is my house, my big, big house…

Dear parents,

These past weeks we are leaning the different parts of the house and the furniture we can find in it. We played a lot of games in the class, the best way to learn even without realizing it! These kids are incredible and soooooo dynamic and time flies thanks to that in our English classes.

We have linked our previous knowledge about the members of the family to this new topic, which helped us to feel more comfortable and self-confident.

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We have also designed a huge house outside using chalks, in our playground, taking advantage of sunny days in Granada.

We share with you this cute song that they really looooooove (they even sing something like “this is my house, my SMALL, SMALL house” as the girl is giant compared to the house… hahahaha).

Happy cultural week to y’all!

Lola and Nina

Learning about our family in Year 1

Dear parents,

These past weeks we have been working in the family members.

We have sung while we learnt some of the family members, played some card and memory games, done lots of interactive activities, and, by the end of the week, everyone drew and presented their family to the rest of the class (it’s incredible how fast they learn!).

These 2 weeks we are going to learn more phonics. The sounds they can link together to read are:




And we will start with the /AI/ sound too.

Let’s rock, Year 1!

Take care,


Year 1: body and face parts

Hi, everyone!

These past weeks we have been learning about the different head and body parts. What an amazing interest and knowledge  they have!!!!

We sang some funny songs about the different parts of the human body and the face, then we also played some guessing and word games. Year 1 is learning fast.

Each day we study phonetics and reading related to the vocabulary that we are ought to according to the planning. In this case, our days pass by widening their knowledge about face and body parts.

Enclose we attach some links for them to practice, as well as a link with the 42 phonics to be danced and sang at home.

Parts of the face – Anagram (

We enjoy dancing «Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes» too!

Have a nice week and see you soon!

Lola and Nina

First month of class and Halloween on Year 1

Dear parents,

During these past weeks, we have been working hard in Year 1.

After the a new exciting beginning of the school year and once we had revised all the classroom rules, we learned a little more about the European languages , in the context of the European Day of Languages.

We also had a good time while reviewing the colors of the rainbow!

Our kids in Year 1 absolutely love Alphablocks and they help us to running through English phonemes.

As we already knew a looot about colours, we started our new topic: classroom supplies. We made lots of games in class and we also built our own school bag. Here some funny videos we have enjoyed!

As we approached the end of October, we have been enjoying and dancing Halloween songs. We are to happy to know about Halloween costumes and characters!!

Since last week, we are learning a lot of thing about the autumn. These season is very special for the kids, bringing us several opportunities to continue discovering English together.

See you soon,

Lola and Nina

Welcome on board again :)

Hello everybody!

The goal of this post is to welcome you all to our languages blog at Alquería and to inform you that we will have recurring information about the English and French classes via this blog about every 2 weeks.

For those who are new parents, my name is Lola and I am the English teacher from the blue class to Year 2.

Welcome to school one more time! I am delighted to have your kids back. Our children have grown soooo fast this summer.  A special and warm hello to those new parents this year at Alquería. Nice to meet you all.

This year we are also welcoming a new English teacher at school, Nina. You will get to know her in Year 1 and Year 2, although she is the English teacher from Year 3 to Year 6 too.

See you soon!

Lola and Nina