Archivo de la categoría: Red Class

Carnival, pirates and more!

Hello dear families!

I hope you are enjoying the days before our great Carnival party in Alquería… I can say the children are really excited about that!

During the last couple of weeks, the Red Class has been immersed in an exciting fantasy world along with princesses, dragons, knights, ogres and castles!

This is been our favourite story and the class  decided to dress up in order to do a play! The result was amazing, bravo!

In addition, we have had a lot of fun in our private carnival parade being princesses, cowboys, clowns, monsters, dragons… and pirates!

As you know, our kids are really engaged in letters, so we have been revising Group 1 of the synthetic phonics system and introducing little by little Group 2… I am soooo proud of them!

Enjoy our great carnival party tomorrow!



Dear families, 

Happy New Year!!!!

We have started this term learning the shapes in the Red Class.

We love to make them with our hands and body. Square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, star and heart.I have used a book about the shapes we can find on a daily basis and everywhere.

Children love this unit and there are lots of activities related with geometric shapes they can connect with. I am posting all the songs we´ve been listening to. So much fun!!



Red class

Hello dear families,

The Red Class is on a rocket! Our routines in English class let us treat such different topics each day, as the weather or the feelings.

Besides that, we are also starting playing with Jolly Phonics, looking for the letters  in the floor is so funny!

We continue talking about the autumn and, of course, reading books every day. It looks like Pete the Cat is going to be our new classmate this year! We absolutely love him in the Red Class!

See you soon,


Red Class

Dear families,

I am so happy to discover to what extent they already understand English!

We started this school year reviewing our English class routines and teaching our new classmates how we enjoy our English lessons as «we play a lot with Lola».

This year we have met Pete, a veeeeery cute cat. He has taught that school is a very happy place for us.

We have also play a lot in the Red Class with colours and we’ve been also learning some fruits and vegetables, playing with the classroom toys and pretending we were in a restaurant («I want a tomato, please!»).  I am pretty sure that their favourite song this unit was this one!:

We have also having fun with a lot of crazy mixes that our kids have proposed and I will tell you that I have listened more that one «Yummy» after a weird proposal!

The Fall Season has just started and our little ones can see and feel the changes around them: the leaves are changing colors, the trees are losing their foliage, days are getting longer, and the weather is slowly getting colder.

We have been working in Autumn theme, and along with it comes Halloween, the most popular English holiday. Our children at Alquería ask for Halloween songs and stories and claim: – They are not scary enough!

We have been dancing like skeletons with these songs and learning about the costumes we were going to wear in our different Halloween parties .

See you soon,


Happy Summer holidays, Red Class!

Hello dear families!

During the last weeks, we have been doing funny games to revise what we have learnt during this year. We repeated some of our favourite games and sang some of our favourite songs.

We have been also focused on the topic of the Summer and learned a lot about this season. We love Summer in the Red Class!!


I hope you all have an amazing summer!

See you soon, take care!

All the best,
