Archivo de la categoría: Red Class

Red Class

Hello everyone!

It is almost the end of our school year and I would like to tell you about our Red Class progress during last weeks.

At the beginning of the term, we studied the wild animals in English through several games, role-plays, storytelling and songs. We love dance!

We use this song to learn more about actions using wild animals topic:

But without a doubt, our Red Class favourite song is… Walking in the Jungle!

We pretend we are intrepid explorers in the jungle and have lots of fun while playing!

We also take the opportunity to benefit spring time to learn more about the butterflies and their life cycle (from an egg to a beautiful butterflie), and we built our topic around the book «The very hungry caterpillar», by Eric Carle.

We made fantastics storytelling and draws. We already know a lot of interesting things about food and days of the week!

Below you will find an animated version of the book (although we prefer the real book!):

Then we started getting ready for our trip to the farm! We played games using the animals in our classroom and listen carefully for the sounds animals to guess them! It was really funny as it was like a TV show quiz!


During next weeks we will «be immersed» in the deep blue sea in order to know more about the sea animals and, of course, about the summer and swimming!

I would also like to tell you that we are working on phonics in English and we are sooo close to identify all the sounds in group 2 of Jolly Phonics! Bravo!

Happy week!



Dear families,

During the last weeks, we have been doing funny games to revise what we have learnt during this year. We repeated some of our favourite games and sang some of our favourite songs!

We love to listen to JollyPhonics and then try to find the letters that make each sound!
Playing with letters, colours and sizes!

We have learnt so much, that we even play some English games in the playground! This time, some pupils improvised by themselves a funny game related to the slides! (They had to say some English words aloud before sliding!)

They invented an improvised English game in the playground! I was so proud of them 😀

I hope you all have an amazing summer! See you soon, take care and enjoy!




Hi, everyone!

During these last days, we have been putting into practise all that we have learned about animals in the Red Class, focusing on the Sea animals, but also revising previous vocabulary!

Through games, we keep learning new verbs, actions, we get familiar with the words that we already know… And, of course, we enjoy so much in class!

Next week, we will start learning about Summer and the beach, so here you are a video to start with, if you like… 😉


See you next week, enjoy your long weekend!



Hi, everyone!

During this week, we have continued working on the SEA ANIMALS in the red class.

After having some funny moments for learning how to be a jellyfish, an octopus or a crab, it was time to imagine our own Sea Creature …!

We mixed the names and the parts of the different sea animals’ bodies, and we obtained some MAGICAL and BEAUTIFUL SEA CREATURES!

(Some of the kids even asked to write the names of their creatures! They really have got some curious minds!)


We finished our week by playing some games in order to revise all that we had learned!

See you next week for more fun!
