Archivo de la categoría: Red Class

Red Class

Hi, everyone!

This week, we finished our activities related to the story The very hungry caterpillar.

Now we know what is a caterpillar, what is a butterfly, a cocoon… Among many other things!

We also practised our listening skills in this funny activity in which the kids had to guess what colour they needed to use to colour the wings of the butterfly  from the clues that I gave them (i.e., «What colour is a tree?», «What colour is the sea?»…) We had a wonderful time!

We also had time to put into practise all the vocabulary about the animals that we’ve been learning during the last weeks, by this and other games we organise in the classroom, it was so exciting to see who was holding Señor Hipo when the music stopped!

Next week, we will continue learning many interesting things about the animals!

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See you soon!


Red Class

Hello, everyone!

This week, we have learned a very funny story about a Very Hungry Caterpillar!

We read, then watched the animated story and then made a beautiful picture in which we practised our comprehension skills, as we had to draw the»meals» the caterpillar ate every day! We also had to pay attention to colours 😉



Next week, we will continue learning many interesting facts about caterpillars and bugs!

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See you soon!


Red Class

Hi everyone!

This week, we have been learning many interesting things about the wild animals !!!

We mimicked our favorite wild animals: lion, tiger, elephant, snake, hippo, rhino… And the others had to guess who we were!

We jumped like kangaroos, shook like snakes, and swam like polar bears… And so many funny things while we danced!

Do you want to dance at home, too?!

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See you next week!


Red Class

Hello! This week, we have been doing several activities in order to learn the animals in English! We loved to read this beautiful story called Daisy the Cow, it was very interesting!

We also talked about our names, our age, and our favorite colors and animals. We know a lot of English words, already!


See you soon!


Red Class

Hi, everyone!

We keep learning and playing in our English Class! This week, we have been practising many funny games related to Easter, Bunnies and Eggs, and we love to hop like a rabbit!

We played some interactive activities that helped us to count up to 10 and revise colours and shapes 🙂

Do you dare to dance this song again at home?!

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I hope you have an AWESOME Easter vacation, here you can find some Easter activities to do at home!

Click on the image to follow the link!