Archivo de la etiqueta: Farm animals

Let’s go to the farm!

Dear families,

Do you like farm animals?

Mrs  Old MacDonald’s a farmer. Every day she gets up at six o’clock and Mrs Old MacDonald usually makes her toast and eggs for breakfast…

But today Mr  Old MacDonald isn’t in the kitchen. Where is he?

The orange group  is able to identify farm animals through not only images but also sounds.Do you want to check it?

Also, taking advantage of the fact that IT’S SPRING! and we love bugs and insects, we have decided to go down to the garden to see them more closely…It’s fun and exciting !

BYE BYE! See you soon!

Teacher Ana and Bárbara 


Hello everyone!

Are you interested in learning farm animals? Our children are keen on doing it!We have learned the farm animals and we have even dared to make brief descriptions about them!We have listened to traditional stories and we have played «BINGO» and other interactive games.It has been very interesting !

Red Class

Hello everyone!

It is almost the end of our school year and I would like to tell you about our Red Class progress during last weeks.

At the beginning of the term, we studied the wild animals in English through several games, role-plays, storytelling and songs. We love dance!

We use this song to learn more about actions using wild animals topic:

But without a doubt, our Red Class favourite song is… Walking in the Jungle!

We pretend we are intrepid explorers in the jungle and have lots of fun while playing!

We also take the opportunity to benefit spring time to learn more about the butterflies and their life cycle (from an egg to a beautiful butterflie), and we built our topic around the book «The very hungry caterpillar», by Eric Carle.

We made fantastics storytelling and draws. We already know a lot of interesting things about food and days of the week!

Below you will find an animated version of the book (although we prefer the real book!):

Then we started getting ready for our trip to the farm! We played games using the animals in our classroom and listen carefully for the sounds animals to guess them! It was really funny as it was like a TV show quiz!


During next weeks we will «be immersed» in the deep blue sea in order to know more about the sea animals and, of course, about the summer and swimming!

I would also like to tell you that we are working on phonics in English and we are sooo close to identify all the sounds in group 2 of Jolly Phonics! Bravo!

Happy week!


Orange class

Dear families,

I hope you are doing well! We are almost entering the final stretch of the school year and our little learners from the Orange Class have enjoyed all the activities during the last weeks.

We did not want to miss the opportunity to benefit our garden and park to learn and study the spring and the bugs and all the natural events that the spring brought to us.

We played games, made role-plays and we had to “fish” the insects as well in the class! (Fake insects, by the way).

We also made a spring scavenger hunt in our park! It was so funny and we found out many spring elements such as puddle, ants, leafs and sunshine.

Here some songs they love to mimic and dance:

Then we had to prepare ourselves to visit the school farm so we started learning more about the farm animals in English: sheep, cow, pig, rabbit, duck, cat, horse, dog…

We played several games to identify which animals live in the farm and which animals live in the jungle or in the sea…

We read some books about farm animals and sing along many songs!

Our Orange class is willing to learn, it is incredible!

Old McDonald’s farm has also been a central key to us during this topic so we sing his song along together during all our English lessons. We also had a “stick farm” to hide the farm animals inside and let the other kids in the class guess our hidden animal using sounds! It was really funny!

Steve and Maggie’s videos seem to be so interesting for our kids so we used this one to learn more facts about farm animals:

During the next weeks, we will be focus on the summer topic, getting ready for our holidays 🙂

And… Last but not least… we are glad to announce you that we have started our learning about phonics in English while dancing and singing along with the song below!

We love start or finish our English lessons with this song and playing fun games while learning how to pronounce the phonics in English!

See you soon!
