Todas las entradas de: alqueriatic


Dear families.

It’s summer! It’s very hot! and we ‘re waiting for a well-deserved holidays! And you?

So that we have learnt about different animals you can see under the sea and the differents plans that you can do in summer along with our favorite character BLUEY!

The next weekend  we ‘re ready to go to the swimming pool and our friend BLUEY  is going to teach us some tricks to swim. Do you wanto to see it with us?

See you soon!Bye , Bye

Teacher Bárbara 



HELLO HELLO Primerillo y Segundillo!

Por fin ha llegado uno de los momentos más esperados…
¡El VIAJE DE FIN DE CURSO está aquí!
Y por ello, en nuestras clases de inglés, hemos querido trabajar la creatividad, imaginación, presentación oral en inglés, así como la responsabilidad y autonomía a la hora de preparamos nuestras propias maletas.

Las niñas y los niños de primer ciclo han realizado una simpática maleta simbólica, en ella han tenido que pensar qué necesitarán en su viaje a Píñar: ropa de verano, complementos, utensilios de aseo… y todo lo necesario para pasar unos días geniales junto a sus compañeros y compañeras, para posteriormente, exponer y contar a toda la clase en inglés que es lo que van a llevar.


Os deseamos un viaje muy divertido y especial!

Happy trip!!!

Nos vemos a la vuelta! ENJOY!

🙂 Teacher Bárbara and Teacher Ana 🙂


Good Morning  friends and families,


Here’s my head                                 See my hands

Here’s my nose                                  Touch my toes

 Reach up with my fingers, high as they can go 

               Wave them back  to and fro

Do you know your body?We can teach you some interesting parts of our body through fun songs .Are you ready?

And if you’re a bit nervous and you need move your body , you can dance and sing with us! It will be fun!

After learning a lot of parts of body : head, shoulder,knees, toes, arms, hands, fingers, foot, chin, neck, elbow, stomach, leg, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lips, tongue… we are ready to create FUNNY MONTERS!Do you want to see them?

See you soon!

Teacher Bárbara 

From the GARDEN  to the FARM

Dear families,

I love spring!

The sun is out                                  The grass is Green

It’s a lovely day                               It’s time to play

Birds are singing                            Flowers blooming


Our red group has enjoyed with colors of spring , the insects that we see in the GARDEN  for example : ladybug, bumblebee, bee,ant, grasshoper, butterfly , beetle and spider.

We went from the GARDEN  to the FARM and create our own farm.

Do you want to meet our friends?There it goes!

See you soon! Bye bye!

Teacher Bárbara 


Let’s go to the farm!

Dear families,

Do you like farm animals?

Mrs  Old MacDonald’s a farmer. Every day she gets up at six o’clock and Mrs Old MacDonald usually makes her toast and eggs for breakfast…

But today Mr  Old MacDonald isn’t in the kitchen. Where is he?

The orange group  is able to identify farm animals through not only images but also sounds.Do you want to check it?

Also, taking advantage of the fact that IT’S SPRING! and we love bugs and insects, we have decided to go down to the garden to see them more closely…It’s fun and exciting !

BYE BYE! See you soon!

Teacher Ana and Bárbara