Todas las entradas de: alqueriatic

We go shopping!

En clase de inglés… ¡Nos vamos de compras!

Y es que el grupo de primero ha realizado el proyecto                         Let’s go shopping! aprovechando que estamos aprendiendo la ropa, ¡hemos creado nuestra propia tienda! desde el decorado, las prendas, el importe a pagar… and much more! y por supuesto… hemos ido a comprar a Alqueria’s clothes shop!  😉

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Lo más importante es que, no solo lo hemos pasado genial, sino que todas y todos hemos sido partícipes de nuestro aprendizaje!     Hemos hablado inglés y hemos disfrutado 🙂

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Lo que está claro es que si los niños y niñas de primerillo tienen que ir de compras en un país de habla inglesa… ¡pueden hacerlo perfectamente!

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Gracias por vuestra motivación y vuestras sonrisas siempre 🙂

Enjoy the weekend and you see you next week

♡ Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana ♡


If you’re happy And you Know it!

Dear families,

We have learnt feelings and emotions,this is a fun topic for kids.

We love to express how we feel with funny gestures on our faces through the mirror!!

In addition, they are able to identify each emotion with a color and even the actions we take when we feel these emotions


There are some videos and songs related with feelings and emotions that we have listened in class.

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Bye, bye .See you soon!

Teacher Ana & Bárbara 


Dear families,

We have learnt about different objects that you can see evereywhere in the green class and in our daily routines.

We love making  shapes with own body and hands: SQUARE, RECTANGLE,TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, STAR AND HEART.

I am posting all the songs and videos we’ve been listening in class .So much fun!

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To verify that we’re able to identify the figures, we enjoy doing QUIZ about shapes! Are you ready?

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Have a good weekend! See you soon!

Teacher Bárbara.

My family is a treasure

Hello families!

In green class we’re a big family, but now  we’re learning the members of our own family: my daddy, my mummy , my brother, my sister, the baby and different pets : birds, turtle , dog, cat, fish…

Here you can see some videos to practice vocabulary and improve pronunciation …Finger Family Song

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Also, in the Asambly Time we continue practicing with our weather roulette «How’s the weather today?, What day of week is it?, What’s months of year is it?, What season is it?, How do you wear in winter?

See you soon!Have a good weekend !

Teacher Bárbara

How do you feel today?

Dear families,

Feelings and emotions is an important part in our daily lives and children should learn to identify how they feel to help them react better to different situations.

They can be taught not only positive emotions such as happy, surprised, relaxed but also negative emotions such as sad, scared, disgusted, angry , hungry and sleepy at an early age.

It’s a good experience to learn about Feelings and Emotions for kids , watch our Inside out ! They love this video, it’s very fun!

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Whe pronouncing words of emotions, parents should be happy to smile with children.By combining facial expressions with pronunciation is better and fun!

Without a doubt, the best moment in class was  When they had to create the monster of emotions…There are a lot of original names!


I hope you enjoy it!

Teacher Bárbara