Archivo de la categoría: Clase Verde


Good Morning  friends and families,


Here’s my head                                 See my hands

Here’s my nose                                  Touch my toes

 Reach up with my fingers, high as they can go 

               Wave them back  to and fro

Do you know your body?We can teach you some interesting parts of our body through fun songs .Are you ready?

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And if you’re a bit nervous and you need move your body , you can dance and sing with us! It will be fun!

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After learning a lot of parts of body : head, shoulder,knees, toes, arms, hands, fingers, foot, chin, neck, elbow, stomach, leg, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lips, tongue… we are ready to create FUNNY MONTERS!Do you want to see them?

See you soon!

Teacher Bárbara 


Dear families,

We have learnt about different objects that you can see evereywhere in the green class and in our daily routines.

We love making  shapes with own body and hands: SQUARE, RECTANGLE,TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, STAR AND HEART.

I am posting all the songs and videos we’ve been listening in class .So much fun!

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To verify that we’re able to identify the figures, we enjoy doing QUIZ about shapes! Are you ready?

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Have a good weekend! See you soon!

Teacher Bárbara.

My family is a treasure

Hello families!

In green class we’re a big family, but now  we’re learning the members of our own family: my daddy, my mummy , my brother, my sister, the baby and different pets : birds, turtle , dog, cat, fish…

Here you can see some videos to practice vocabulary and improve pronunciation …Finger Family Song

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Also, in the Asambly Time we continue practicing with our weather roulette «How’s the weather today?, What day of week is it?, What’s months of year is it?, What season is it?, How do you wear in winter?

See you soon!Have a good weekend !

Teacher Bárbara



Welcome to the class and Happy New Year!

After our long -awaited and intense vacation, we are back with a great desire to learn and powerful energy!

WINTER is here! January too!And all this reminds us snow,rain, fog, cloud, wind and a lot of cold…. How’s the weather ? Our wheel of the weather ANSWERS US EVERY DAY!

In addition , we learn Days of Week and Months of year with songs, codes and gestures!

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I forgot to tell you that the Green Class already knows How to count up to the number TWENTY!

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See you soon families!

Teacher Bárbara .


WiNtEr Is CoMiNg ….

A cute little sonowman ,

had a carrot nose, 

Along came a rabbit, 

and What do you suppose.

That cute little rabbit, 

looking for his lunch.

Ate the snowman’s carrot nose, 

nibble, nibble, crunch…

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It’s very cold , so that to warm up we danced and sang Christmas carol !

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Teacher Bárbara .