The rooms in your house. Who lives there?

Here are some activities to revise the family, and to learn and practice the rooms in a house.

Here is a fun song from Busy Beavers to practice the words in the house. (This is for everyone who is a fan of In, On, Under—you´ll love this!)

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This next video has useful sentences and words to use when talking about your home and what you do there.

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Click on the picture below to do some vocabulary exercises about the house!


Remember to leave us a comment!

More Pronouns and To be

Hello-  Here are some more ways to practice with the verb «to be» and English pronouns! Watch the videos and practice the exercises below!

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Now, practice exercises with «to be».



Have fun practicing during the LONG WEEKEND and leave us message about the exercises!

P.S.  Here is a little Halloween fun for you to enjoy!  You can watch our Halloween video again and share it with your family!  Boo!

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Lindley and Manolo