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We wish you a Merry Christmas!

..and above all, a HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

What a WILD RIDE the year 2020 has been!!!!

We are SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS for getting through this highly unusual first term of school!  Not only have you survived four months of constant mask wearing, hand washing, bubble groups and Google Classroom, but you’ve done it incredibly well!

We know you are so excited for a rest from school and mask wearing and we hope you  enjoy the holidays with your families!

Here are some holiday songs and games to help set the mood, and we will see you in 2021 to enjoy all the hopeful promise of the New Year.


..and a traditional carol in a new way!

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Merry Christmas!

Lindley and Manolo



A «Spanglish» Thanksgiving Celebration

This week you learned all about the history of Thanksgiving!  Even though we couldn’t share pumpkin pie together this year, click on the picture to find a recipe and enjoy it at home! This pie, along with Turkey, of course, is one of the most traditional parts of Thanksgiving dinner.

(Pincha la tarta para la receta!)

We also thought you might like to follow it up with some videos of the season.  Click on the picture to watch and play! Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Lindley and Manolo

Y en otras noticias….

También esta semana hemos realizado ya la primera de las charlas formativas del programa «7×7 formación» cuya información recibisteis en vuestro mail, y que ha tenido en su estreno una gran participación y aceptación por parte de las personas inscritas.

Os recordamos que estáis a tiempo de inscribiros en las seis charlas formativas que todavía nos quedan, o en la que más os interese por supuesto, y os informamos que el jueves 17 de diciembre realizamos la próxima con la temática de «Educación Emocional».

Puedes obtener más información e inscribirte a través del siguiente enlace×7-formacion/


Body and Clothes

Hi Year 4-

Here are some resources to help you revise our current topic of body and clothes.  Enjoy!

First, the body:

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What do you look like?  Can you describe yourself and your family and friends? Practice here!

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Now for some clothes- listen and repeat!

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Practice, repeat and sing!

Now try these exercises: (pincha en la foto para acceder a los ejercicios)

Have fun practicing!

Lindley and Manolo

The Nightmare Hotel


Hello Year 6!  Here are the fruits of your hard work!

Thanks to Mark Hancock at Hancock McDonald ELT, we had lots of fun learning and practicing the Nightmare Hotel!  The perfect pronunciation exercise for Halloween!

Here you go!  Enjoy sharing with your families!

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Have fun eating treats and carving pumpkins this Halloween!