Archivo de la categoría: 3º ENGLISH

YEAR 3 I’ve got and Parts of the Body Monday 24th January 2022

Hello Year Three- It is time to drill down on our body parts.  Here are some resources to help you practice at home! Watch the videos to remember what you know and to add more body parts to your vocabulary!

We will start this topic next week.

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Now sing what you know!

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Click the pictures to play the games.

Test yourself by clicking on the picture to do a video quiz!

Let us know how you do with a comment here or in Google Classroom!

Have fun!

Happy Holidays!

Hi kids- We hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your families!  We wish you a good rest, good health, and a happy beginning to your New Year!

Here are some Christmas resources for you to enjoy at home!

A holiday short just for fun….

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and a holiday short to make us appreciate how lucky we really are…

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May the spirit of the season be with all of you!

Happy New Year!  See you in 2022.

Lindley and Manolo

Regular and irregular plural nouns

This week we will continue our work with plural nouns- both regular and irregular.



Please use the resources below to help you learn and practice!

Singular or Plural

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Regular plural nouns – add s

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Making plurals for words that end in a consonant + y

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Making plurals for words that end in ch, sh, z, s, x (and o)

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Irregular plurals

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Now test yourself!

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Have fun and we’ll talk about all of this next week!!!

Información de la Reunión de Padres 3º-6º


Agradecemos vuestra asistencia a la reunión de padres esta semana.  Para las personas que no pudieron acudir, aquí os dejamos la presentación que realizamos que explica nuestra metodología, y como trabajamos con los niños.

Si hay alguna pregunta que no quede resuelta, escribidnos a las direcciones de los tutores (ellos nos las pasarán) o directamente a nuestros correos de Google Classroom.

Con ganas de que poder vernos pronto por el patio, en lugar de sólo en la puerta!

Happy weekend to all!

El equipo de Idiomas Alquería  ; )




Hi everyone- We just wanted to wish you a happy long weekend to re-charge and relax.  We have had an intense beginning to our school year, and it is time to take a short break and come back fresh to dig into all new material!

So, kick back and enjoy our SUPER LONG WEEKEND.

Here is a song to help you get your groove on!

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See you next week!

Lindley and Manolo