Archivo de la categoría: European Day of Languages


¡Hola familias!

Hoy hemos celebrado el Día de las Lenguas en nuestro colegio, concretamente, el día de ¡todas las lenguas del mundo!

Desde el Departamento de Idiomas, queremos dar las gracias a todas las familias colaboradoras que nos han acercado a las lenguas de Argentina, Alemania, Irlanda, México, Galicia, Estados Unidos, Hong Kong y Valencia; y nos han enseñado, no solo nuevas palabras y expresiones, sino también aspectos súper interesantes de otras culturas y lugares del mundo.

¡Gracias por hacernos disfrutar junto a vosotros y compartir este ratito tan especial!

A su vez, gracias al alumnado que se ha mostrado motivado y feliz decorando el colegio con diferentes lenguas, banderas, mensajes y sobre todo, ¡colores! ¡tantos casi como lenguas hay en el mundo!

Y por último, gracias a todo el profesorado y personal de Alquería Educación por el maravilloso trabajo en equipo.

Compartimos algunas imágenes del bonito trabajo realizado con el alumnado, y ¡un gracias enorme en diferentes idiomas!


¡Gracias! Merci. Xièxiè. Grazie. Shukran. 감사합니다. Arigatô. dhanyavād. ευχαριστώ. Gràcies. Danke. Thanks!

Teacher Manolo, Teacher Bárbara y Teacher Ana 🙂

European Day of Languages 2021

Happy European Day of Languages 2021!  The official Day of Languages is today, but in Alquería, we celebrated on Friday, September 24!

The theme of the day this year centered on the Erasmus Program.  This program affords students in the European Union the opportunity to study at another university within the block to explore different cultures and languages.

Therefore, this year the students in Years 5 and 6 worked in pairs to take us on a journey to their Erasmus University.  The provided us with 8 pieces of information including: a map of their city/country, the name of their university, the language(s) spoken at their university, important sights in their Erasmus city, typical foods that are eaten there, important geographical features, information about the climate, and finally photos representing some of these things.

The Year 5 and 6 students then took us on their Erasmus trip through their English presentations in the garden to the students in Years 1-4.  The entire school had a wonderful journey as we explored:

  • Coimbra
  • Tallin
  • Zagreb
  • Milan
  • Berlin
  • Prague
  • Riga
  • Budapest
  • Bologna
  • Vilnius
  • Warsaw
  • Bratislava
  • Rotterdam
  • Florence
  • Belgrade
  • Sofia
  • Cardiff
  • Glasgow
  • Amsterdam
  • Hamburg
  • Lisbon
  • Bordeaux
  • Athens
  • Prague
  • Innsbruck
  • Lyon

To conclude our journey, we enjoyed a snack of ginger cookies!




¡Feliz Día Europeo de las Lenguas 2021! Hoy es el Día Oficial de las Lenguas, ¡pero en Alquería lo celebramos el viernes 24 de septiembre!

El tema de las celebraciones este año se centró en el programa Erasmus. Este programa brinda a los estudiantes de la Unión Europea la oportunidad de estudiar en otra universidad dentro del bloque para explorar diferentes culturas e idiomas. Así que los alumnos de Quinto y Sexto trabajaron por parejas para llevarnos de viaje a su Universidad Erasmus. Nos proporcionaron información que incluye: un mapa de su ciudad / país, el nombre de su universidad, el idioma (s) que se habla en su universidad, lugares importantes en su ciudad Erasmus, comidas típicas que se comen allí, áreas geográficas características importantes, información sobre el clima y, finalmente, fotos que representan algunas de estas cosas.

Los alumnos de Quinto y Sexto nos llevaron en su viaje Erasmus a través de sus presentaciones en inglés en el jardín a los alumnos de Primero a Cuarto. Toda la escuela tuvo un viaje maravilloso mientras exploramos: Coímbra, Tallin, Zagreb, Milán, Berlín, Praga, Riga, Budapest, Bolonia, Vilna, Varsovia, Bratislava, Rotterdam, Florencia, Belgrado, Sofía, Cardiff, Glasgow, Ámsterdam, Hamburgo, Lisboa, Burdeos, Atenas, Praga, Innsbruck, Y Lyon

¡Para concluir nuestro viaje disfrutamos de unas galletas de jengibre!


A Busy Week in English!

Phew!  What an intense first, complete five day week we have had!

Let’s recap…

We made sure everyone can use live worksheets!

And in fact, it appears that nearly every student has logged on already and we congratulate you on your work! Keep it up.  Let us know if you are having trouble or need a new worksheet!  (In fact you can log in now as there are new worksheets!) (Si todovía te cuesta hacer el «login», podéis ver la entrada anterior de este blog.)

We have also reviewed English vocabulary relevant to COVID, and discussed how we can fight, and indeed even CONQUER CORONA by showing gratitude, staying hopeful and positive, and by being sure to show our best «smize!»

As part of our efforts at self care, we have spent the better part of two weeks discussing everything we need to know about preventive hygiene (in English) and talking about how a good attitude helps us overcome frustrations of this era–like wearing masks in class and even outside to play, and how the classroom can be noisier than usual with windows and doors open to ensure good ventilation.

Once again, we congratulate you for your great work in this challenging area.  If you want to share some things you learned with you families, or simply revisit our class work, here are some video resources we used in class!

GRATITUDE- Learning to appreciate all that we have and to give…

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HOPE- Let’s be optimistic!

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SMIZE! – Show emotion behind a mask!

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And lest we forget, we also included our annual celebration of


Though we could not celebrate with such a wide scope as last year, we certainly could not let SEPTEMBER 26TH go by unnoticed either. 

This year our celebration involved an English revision of the countries that make up Europe and the languages they speak there.  It is always a challenge to remember the English names of the countries and languages!

A perennial favorite: The Countries of the World (Europe)

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Then we all got on an imaginary airplane to visit central Europe as we landed in Berlin to learn some German greetings.  You can practice again here:

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These words were relatively easy to learn.  Then from Germany, we flew north to Helsinki to learn some Finnish greetings!

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And now off to Warsaw to try our hand at Polish.  This was a real challenge!

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And now here is a challenge for you!  Try to remember these words and greet us on Monday using a German, Finnish or Polish greeting!

Enjoy a wonderful European Language Day tomorrow and have a great weekend!

Lindley and Manolo

P.S. Here are some games to play to help you celebrate European Language Day on your own!