Archivo de la categoría: 4º ENGLISH

FROM YEAR 3 TO YEAR 6 Happy Easter, April 6th, 2020

I hope you are all well.  Here comes Easter. Every culture has their own an unique celebrations in Easter.

Some examples:

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Finally, we leave you »  Easter games for kids»,  (Juegos de Pascua para niños y niñas). 

We wish you a happy Easter.









FROM YEAR 3 TO YEAR 6 APRIL 3 rd, 2020

Hello again!  We hope you are all very well at this beginning of Easter week.

Firsly, we leave you two cultural videos about Easter.

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Secondly,   we also leave you a good website for listening and reading practice in English.

Finally, we bring you Harry Potter at home.

Please, just click on these pictures,

We would like to thank you for your work on this Blog and  Liveworksheets. 

We wish you  happy Easter.


YEAR 4 BELONGINGS and THINGS April 1st , 2020

We hope you are all very well at this beginning of April.

Firsly, a lovely video about My favorite things,

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Hello, this an activity about  school things.     Just click on the picture and post a comment.

Tell us about your school. What are the best and the worst things about your school?  Write  four or  five sentences and  send us  at  our English email.

I remind you to do your LIVEWORKSHEETS. 



Year 4 Revise Present Continuous

Hello, again. We hope you are all well on this Monday 30th, 2020.

Firstly,  we are going to revise what you know about Present Continuous,  click on this picture…

Secondly,  watch this  video with lots of examples:

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Finally, do  not  forget to do your  Liveworksheets   this week and remember,  take care and  STAY AT HOME.



Happy Friday!  Last day of the week,  we hope you are all well.

Before anything else, let us say:

We are very impressed with your work on liveworksheets, the blog and the work we are getting in our email inbox!  To those  of you working, keep up the good work!

(And to those who are not quite in the homeschooling game yet, get going!!!!  There are things to be learned and worlds to be explored!)

And now, just a song…  this explains how we feel about all of you!  Though we are not right beside you, nothing can keep us from you!

Enjoy this message and we´ll connect next week!

Before the song, a special message from Manolo for you and your parents:

Si alguien me preguntase cual considero que es  la canción con el mensaje educativo más importante, yo diría que al menos una de ellas con claridad es esta. Con esta canción puedes “Darle energía a tus hijos e hijas en estos momentos excepcionales que estamos viviendo”. Cuando la escuchas sabes que nadie te va a parar”. Pero es que además esta canción transmite el mensaje de apoyo incondicional que nuestros hijos e hijas necesitan recibir para sentirse seguros: «No hay montaña tan alta que pueda impedirme llegar a ti. Solo llámame, estaré ahí enseguida, no tienes que preocuparte», nos dicen Marvin Gaye y Tammi Terrell.

Es un gran placer mostrarla  para vosotros y vosotras alumnado y familias de Educación Alquería.

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Esta canción de Rythm and Blues y Soul fue escrita en 1966 por Nickolas Ashford y Valerie Simpson. Fue grabada por Marvin Gaye y Tammi Terrell un año después. Compuesta al principio como canción romántica  sin duda puede ayudarnos a transmitir amor incondicional a nuestros hijos e hijas con frases como: «Recuerda el día que te dejé marchar/ te dije que siempre podías contar conmigo, cariño».

And in line with our suggestion on Wednesday to get your screen time in English, why not try this weeksite this weekend?

Through this website you can watch TV in English with subtitles!

Enjoy, happy weekend. Remember,  take care and STAY AT HOME. 

Teacher Manolo and Lindley