Archivo de la categoría: 5º ENGLISH

A «Spanglish» Thanksgiving Celebration

This week you learned all about the history of Thanksgiving!  Even though we couldn’t share pumpkin pie together this year, click on the picture to find a recipe and enjoy it at home! This pie, along with Turkey, of course, is one of the most traditional parts of Thanksgiving dinner.

(Pincha la tarta para la receta!)

We also thought you might like to follow it up with some videos of the season.  Click on the picture to watch and play! Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Lindley and Manolo

Y en otras noticias….

También esta semana hemos realizado ya la primera de las charlas formativas del programa «7×7 formación» cuya información recibisteis en vuestro mail, y que ha tenido en su estreno una gran participación y aceptación por parte de las personas inscritas.

Os recordamos que estáis a tiempo de inscribiros en las seis charlas formativas que todavía nos quedan, o en la que más os interese por supuesto, y os informamos que el jueves 17 de diciembre realizamos la próxima con la temática de «Educación Emocional».

Puedes obtener más información e inscribirte a través del siguiente enlace×7-formacion/


More DEEP Revision

Hello kids-

Here is a blog entry to sum up our revision work in class …

We’d like you to review the videos and try the exercises as our review work is nearly done!

Have fun!

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Now, click on the picture below to practice!

And now, for some food review! Watch and have fun with this video quiz!


And now for a simple review of this / that / these / those…

Click the picture to practice!

And finally, let’s revise how to tell time in English…

Enjoy your reviews!



Manolo and Lindley

Be wise: Revise

Hello Year 5 and Year 6!

Here are some fun ways to review the English you saw in class this week!   Listen, play and play again to consolidate our «warm-up» this week!

And, don’t forget to do your LIVEWORKSHEETS!

First, a video to help with pronunciation! Watch, listen and repeat OUT LOUD! (EN VOZ ALTA)

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Now click the pictures to practice dates and numbers. (Pincha en las fotos para practicar.)



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Happy listening! Have a good weekend!

Manolo and Lindley


A Busy Week in English!

Phew!  What an intense first, complete five day week we have had!

Let’s recap…

We made sure everyone can use live worksheets!

And in fact, it appears that nearly every student has logged on already and we congratulate you on your work! Keep it up.  Let us know if you are having trouble or need a new worksheet!  (In fact you can log in now as there are new worksheets!) (Si todovía te cuesta hacer el «login», podéis ver la entrada anterior de este blog.)

We have also reviewed English vocabulary relevant to COVID, and discussed how we can fight, and indeed even CONQUER CORONA by showing gratitude, staying hopeful and positive, and by being sure to show our best «smize!»

As part of our efforts at self care, we have spent the better part of two weeks discussing everything we need to know about preventive hygiene (in English) and talking about how a good attitude helps us overcome frustrations of this era–like wearing masks in class and even outside to play, and how the classroom can be noisier than usual with windows and doors open to ensure good ventilation.

Once again, we congratulate you for your great work in this challenging area.  If you want to share some things you learned with you families, or simply revisit our class work, here are some video resources we used in class!

GRATITUDE- Learning to appreciate all that we have and to give…

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HOPE- Let’s be optimistic!

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SMIZE! – Show emotion behind a mask!

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And lest we forget, we also included our annual celebration of


Though we could not celebrate with such a wide scope as last year, we certainly could not let SEPTEMBER 26TH go by unnoticed either. 

This year our celebration involved an English revision of the countries that make up Europe and the languages they speak there.  It is always a challenge to remember the English names of the countries and languages!

A perennial favorite: The Countries of the World (Europe)

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Then we all got on an imaginary airplane to visit central Europe as we landed in Berlin to learn some German greetings.  You can practice again here:

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These words were relatively easy to learn.  Then from Germany, we flew north to Helsinki to learn some Finnish greetings!

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And now off to Warsaw to try our hand at Polish.  This was a real challenge!

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And now here is a challenge for you!  Try to remember these words and greet us on Monday using a German, Finnish or Polish greeting!

Enjoy a wonderful European Language Day tomorrow and have a great weekend!

Lindley and Manolo

P.S. Here are some games to play to help you celebrate European Language Day on your own!