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We are starting this year by revising how to say the day, date and year in English.

Watch to revise:

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Remember in English we use ORDINAL NUMBERS to say the date. Revise the pronunciation and spelling of  ordinal numbers with this video!

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And click to practice:


Finally, don’t forget to leave a comment!

What do you want to be?

How do you name jobs in English?

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Now, click on the picture to practice some exercises about jobs.  Leave us a comment when you do.



Here is a video which explains some of the rule for silent letters.  It is a bit long, but it will really help you know the rules about pronunciation.

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Happy Holidays!!!


Here are a few activities to enjoy the vocabulary and sounds of the season!  Have a wonderful holiday rest and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!

How much do you know about the man in RED?  Click below to take a quiz and find out!



Read and listen to a traditional  song sung every December 31st!  Happy New Year!


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See you next year!