Question Words

Hi Year 4-

This week we are going to practice using question words in English.

Here is a video to help you remember how to pronounce and use the most common question words.

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Answer the last questions in the comments section of our blog!

Here is another activity to practice.

Have fun and good luck.

Year 5 «Verb Rap Challenge»


This is just a note to remind you of your «verb rap challenge.»

You (alone, or with a friend or several friends) can create a rap song using 10-15 irregular verbs.  (You can use more if you wish!)

You need to show the class your song for extra points on your weekly reveiw.

This optional challenge is valid until THURSDAY, MARCH 15! That is the last day.

For some more inspiration, here is the link to the super rapping teacher we saw in class!

Good luck and have fun!

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