Français 1 et 2


Est-ce que cette salutation vous dit quelque chose ? (¿Os suena de algo este saludo?)

Cette semaine a été TERRIFIANTE et EFFRAYANTE en classe de Français!

On a appris beaucoup de vocabulaire d’Halloween! Et on a beaucoup joué! Le Bingo, c’est drôle, n’est-ce pas ?


















Joyeuse Halloween tout le monde !



Green Class

Hello everyone!

This week has been so funny! We played and learned a lot about Halloween!

We painted our faces and did some role play related to Halloween, we played Itsy Bitsy, Can I ? (which is similar to the Spanish Game «Reloj, Reloj» but we added some action words 😉 )

Kids love Halloween and they learned a lot of vocabulary so easily!

Have a Happy Halloween!




Playing Musical Statues


Red Class

Hello, everyone!

We had so much fun this week! Kids love role playing, and we did lots of games in English! To give you an example, we played Musical Chairs on Friday while dancing to some Halloween songs, and we revised some action words like «Stop», «Dance», «Go!», «Walk», «Stomp», «Crawl», etc.


Have a Happy Halloween!
