Fruit Salad in Year 2!

As we previewed last week in the blog with the fruit salad song, this week we did a SURPRISE workshop and we actually MADE AND ATE FRUIT SALAD IN CLASS!

We had a wonderful time on Thursday using our cutting boards and knives to cut bananas, pears, apples and strawberries our fruit salad.

Here are some photos from the experience.  I hope you enjoy sharing them with your families as much as I enjoyed the workshop with you!

Have a great weekend and share your fruit salad recipe at home!

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More Food….

Hello Year 2 – As you know we LOVE cooking and eating yummy food! Since we never get tired of the topic and because there is so much to learn, here are a few more resources for you to have fun with!  Enjoy these videos and activities!

Do you remember this «old favorite?»  It will be important this week!

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Do you remember all parts to setting the table?  You drew a place setting and the food you liked this week.  Revise the vocabulary here:

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Now here is a song to sing to practice:

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Now, click the link below to play «Memory» with food vocabulary!  Have fun!  (Pincha el imagen para acceder al juego.)

Les animaux en français !

Bonjour tout le monde,


Cette semaine, nous avons commencé à étudier les animaux! Et nous aimons tellement le sujet que nous avons appris beaucoup de vocab déjà, n’est-ce pas ?

Voilà une petite activité pour continuer à reviser à la maison !

À bientôt !


Clickez et jouez!


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English Year 2

Hi, everyone!

This week, he started studying one of our favourite subjects ever!!! Can you guess…?


As we discover, sing and play, we learn how to say what we like and we don’t like, and we are also learning many different types of food!


See you next week,


Lindley and Ángela

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Click and play!


English Year 1

Hi, everyone!

This week, we have started a new subject: the Human Body!

We sang some funny songs about the different parts of the human body and the face, then we also played some guessing and word games 🙂

See how we enjoy dancing «Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes»!


See you next week,




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