Archivo de la etiqueta: fruit salad

Fruit Salad in Year 2!

As we previewed last week in the blog with the fruit salad song, this week we did a SURPRISE workshop and we actually MADE AND ATE FRUIT SALAD IN CLASS!

We had a wonderful time on Thursday using our cutting boards and knives to cut bananas, pears, apples and strawberries our fruit salad.

Here are some photos from the experience.  I hope you enjoy sharing them with your families as much as I enjoyed the workshop with you!

Have a great weekend and share your fruit salad recipe at home!

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More Food….

Hello Year 2 – As you know we LOVE cooking and eating yummy food! Since we never get tired of the topic and because there is so much to learn, here are a few more resources for you to have fun with!  Enjoy these videos and activities!

Do you remember this «old favorite?»  It will be important this week!

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Do you remember all parts to setting the table?  You drew a place setting and the food you liked this week.  Revise the vocabulary here:

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Now here is a song to sing to practice:

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Now, click the link below to play «Memory» with food vocabulary!  Have fun!  (Pincha el imagen para acceder al juego.)

YEAR 1 – Fruit salad

We have just started a new unit about fruit. We will learn the names of some new fruits and learn how to ask and say those we like or not. Soon, we will do a cooking workshop, in English, and we will make a fruit kebab we’ll be able to eat afterwards ! Yummy yummy!

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Acabamos de empezar una nueva unidad sobre la fruta. Vamos a aprender los nombres de algunas frutas nuevas y preguntar o expresar aquellas que nos gustan o no. Y pronto haremos un taller de cocina, en inglés, y prepararemos una brocheta de frutas que nos podremos comer después. Yummy, yummy!