Archivo de la categoría: Clase Naranja


Hello, hello, hello how are you naranjitas?

Are you good? Are you great? Are you wonderful?  🙂

During the past weeks in our orange English class we have been learning about TOYS. We really love playing! And learning English while singing, playing and having a good time! 

Now, we know to name all our favourite toys, such as our soft teddy bears, funny robots, cute dolls, trains, cars, balloons… and so on.

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Here you have some videos to have fun with our naughty bird Maggie doing a mess with the toys and our favourite song!

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And here we are having fun in our school garden while practising English.

Lots of love

Bárbara & Ana



The seasons are changing and that means good things for us! .We especially love changing things when Fall hits because with it comes pumpkins and spice and everything nice!

One is ORANGE. Two are BROWN .

Three look YELLOW .On the ground.

Three are GREEN. Two bright RED.

One just feel. Upon my head

En el grupo Naranjita hemos  trabajado el Otoño, junto con nuestra mascota «PERICO», además hemos repasado los colores típicos del Otoño a través de canciones divertidas y hemos escuchado historias fascinantes «PETE THE CAT FALLING FOR AUTUMN»

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Además hemos creado nuestro propio árbol de Otoño ,mientras escuchábamos sonidos relacionados con el tiempo Otoñal, la lluvia , el viento …IT WAS REALLY  EXCITING !

See you soon! Next to… HALLOWEEN!

Bárbara y Ana



Nuestros naranjitas ya han aprendido algunas rutinas básicas que repetimos diariamente en clase : » HELLO, GOOD MORNING, THANK YOU, I’M SORRY, SIT DOWN PLEASE, STAND UP PLEASE, MAKE A CIRCLE,CLAP YOUR HANDS, LINE UP,  STAMP FEET AND BYE BYE !»


Además hemos podido conocer «The wonderful world of colors» Dear families  can see  some videos and songs  that we use in class ! It ‘s  a lot of fun for them!

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Bye bye see you tomorrow!



Hello Orange Class,

This week , we have started a new topic  in spring, one the most exciting topic for little kids!

After listening to the interesting story «The blue Ant» which has been  very fun, we have revised vocabulary about this subject (spider, ladybug, butterfly, bee…) through songs that  they have learned very quickly!It’s amazing!

I hope you enjoy it!

Estimadas familias,

Aprovechando la llegada de la primavera , esta semana nosotros hemos empezado un nuevo tema el cual resulta muy interesante para los más pequeños.

Después de escuchar la historia «La hormiga azul» la cual ha sido muy divertida, nosotros hemos revisado vocabulario sobre algunos bichos e insectos( arañas, mariquitas,mariposas, abejas) a través de canciones que se han aprendido muy rápido.

Espero que os divirtáis.

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We all have a nose!

Hi families!

We have  been working  on our unit on «The Body» for a while now.

Our little ones have been learning a laaarge number of body and face parts and we have played many games with songs and flashcards. These kids are amazing!

they have been recognizing them in their own body and the one of their partners. We have enjoyed many activities and games with this topic.

They love to sing along these songs and dance and dance and dance!

Let’s rock our bodies at home!!

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Happy carnival party!
