Archivo de la etiqueta: COVID

Gratitude in Year 2!

Hello Everyone!

We had a busy week in Year 2 English this week!  We did a little  bit of everything:

  1. Singing and dancing (with physical distance, of course!)

2. Revising Jolly Phonics and reading

3. Lots of talking about personal hygiene and English vocabuluary related to COVID, self-care and how we felt about confinement, the first things we did after confinement and how lovely it is to be back at school!

Here are some resources to revise at home!

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Also we spent some time talking about GRATITUDE.  This is part of our self care plan.  We discussed that even though things are difficult due to the pandemic, and we feel we are missing so much, we have so much to be thankful for.

We also talked about recognizing those who help and give to us, and we can help and give to others.  Taking actions in these times helps us to feel better about the world.

To help us understand these BIG concepts, we read a story called THE GIVING TREE by Shel Silverstein.

Here is a short video version of the book to watch at home.

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So many students commented that the Giving Trees in their lives are their families, friends and school.  We had some really touching conversations and I am inspired by the optimism in Year Two!

I am looking forward diving even deeper into English class with the children in the coming school year!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
