Archivo de la etiqueta: OPPOSITES FOR CHILDREN


Hi families!

There are a lot of different opposite words  that can be used every day by kids that can help them to  not only describe people but also different things around them.

Now , let’s see some basic opposite words  through a song which can be taught to kids  if they have just started to learn them. The opposites Song Kids TV 123

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Also, they have created their own bingo. It’s an easy game. Kids need to make associations and connections to learn new vocabulary.

Each child has  a Bingo card. The calling cards have an opposite word, and tokens are then placed on the players’ card  when named.

It’s Opposites Bingo! This game is very exciting for them!

Opposites Bingo Printable Bingo Cards Bingo Game Download | Etsy España

Bárbara and Nina