Archivo de la etiqueta: Transports

Year 2

Hi, everyone!

Our class is enjoying so much the topic we have been during studying these weeks! TRANSPORT!!!

We have also practised a lot how on to ask and answer about the means of transport that we use every day, and we even learnt a really funny song about transport! Do you want to practise again at home?!


Playing a funny cards game


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See you next week!

Lindley and Ángela

Transports in RED CLASS

To accompany the proposals method, we have been learning a bit about transports by singing and colouring (car, boat, train, plane). Here is the song, so it can be sang and enjoyed again and again:

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Acompañando la propuesta del momento, hemos aprendido un poco sobre los transportes, cantando y coloreando nuestro transporte favorito. He aquí la canción que podrán escuchar y disfrutar de nuevo: