Archivo de la categoría: Green Class

Green Class

Hi, everyone!

This week, the Green Class had so much fun during the English lesson!

We practised our communicating skills by talking between us and with the teacher about the animals, the greetings, the days of the week and the calendar…

Can you guess the word when the music stops?

We also spent some time playing funny games in group!

Finally, we went to La Vega and could put into practise some of the words we had learned (chicken, rooster, ladybug, butterfly…)


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See you next week for more fun!


Green Class

Hi, everyone!

During this week, we have revised the animals on the farm! We played with a beautiful cookie-catcher and had to pass the tests that were  hidden inside!



We also spent some time practising our oral and communicating skills, «What’s your name?», «What’s your favourite animal?», «What’s your favourite colour?», «How are you?»…

Finally, on Friday, we had some time to start practising the calendar, so that we know how to say the date in English!

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See you soon!


Green Class

Hello, everyone!

During this week, we have learned many words pronounced with the «oa» sound, always by playing and dancing!

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We mimicked the motions for these «oa» words. We also played several card and board games.

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We laughed a lot to this funny toad who ate everything around!

We also played some letters games by teams, which helped us recognize the English sounds and how they are different from the Spanish sounds!

See you next week for more fun!


Green Class

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Tale

Hi, everyone!

This week, we have been learning many things related to this interesting and funny tale!

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We also enjoyed a lot when we played some board games! We finally could save the three billy goats Gruff!


See you next week for more fun!




Green Class

Hello, families!

Guess who visited Alquería School this week…? THE EASTER BUNNY! And the children in the Green Class had SO MUCH FUN looking for the eggs he had lost while playing in the park!

Looking for the eggs! Where did he put them?!


I found one!


Now it’s time for the challenges that the Easter Bunny prepared for us!


Yummy! We love chocolate! Specially after having worked so hard to find all the eggs and complete the challenges!


I hope that you enjoy your Easter vacation as much as possible, here you can find some Easter songs and games in case you want to revise at home!

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Try to find all the pairs and practise your prononciation while you play!

Click the image to go to the game!


Fantastic Easter Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

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