The Very Hungry Caterpillar


For the past couple of weeks in Year 2, we have been emphasizing speaking  in complete sentences instead of just groups of words.

To help us with this task, we read, saw, and drew the story of

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

by Eric Carle

In addition to everyone in the class retelling the story in sentences, the story was a vehicle to revise the days of the week, food and continue our work with insects.

Of course, we read and shared the physical book, but here are some other resources we used to help us learn.


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We hope you enjoy  these resources at home and have fun re-telling this classic story to your families!

Enjoy your weekend!

Ángela and Lindley



Cette semaine, nous avons appris la fable Le Corbeau et le Renard.

Après avoir lu et vu cette jolie petite histoire, nous avons joué un jeu où nous devions deviner les réponses aux questions que la prof nous posait. Les questions variaient en fonction de notre niveau, de manière que tout le monde puisse participer et apprendre!

Par contre, personne n’a pas pu enlever le fromage au corbeau, ha, ha!!! Peut-être que vous voulez essayer encore la semaine prochaine? 😉

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Une touche d’humour!

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À la prochaine!


Year 2

Hello, everyone!

This week, we continued learning many interesting facts about bugs!

We had to look for the bugs and draw them in our worksheet!
The beetle is under the leaf!


After a funny bug hunt in the garden, we revised how to pronounce every bug, and learned how to differenciate some of them!

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Can you guess which bug is it?!

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Have fun!

Lindley and Ángela

Year 1

Hi everyone!

This week, we have been working on the wild animals, emphasizing those with a long a sound, so that we can start learning and categorizing the English phonics better!

We made a beautiful drawing about our favorite wild animal and then we presented it aloud!

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Do you remember all their names?!

See you next week!


Green Class

Hello, everyone!

During this week, we have learned many words pronounced with the «oa» sound, always by playing and dancing!

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We mimicked the motions for these «oa» words. We also played several card and board games.

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We laughed a lot to this funny toad who ate everything around!

We also played some letters games by teams, which helped us recognize the English sounds and how they are different from the Spanish sounds!

See you next week for more fun!
