Food and more in Year 2

Hello everyone!!!

Kids in Year 2 has been starving during these weeks in English classes hahahaha and the reason is that we have been learning about food. We have been listening to  “I’m hungry!!” so many times…

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They already had previous knowledge about food, so that we have widened  it. We have been emphasizing speaking in complete sentences instead of just group of words. So they have been working on explain to the rest of the classmates about their preferences and what they think is healthy or unhealthy… such an experience.

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To help us with this task, we read, saw, and played with the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Besides helping us speaking with complete sentences by retelling the story, it was a vehicle to revise the days of the week and our main topic, food.

Of course, we read and shared the physical book, but here are some other resources we used to help us learn.

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We hope you enjoy  these resources at home and have fun re-telling this classic story to your families!

We wish you a nice cultural week to you all!

Lola and Nina

This is my house, my big, big house…

Dear parents,

These past weeks we are leaning the different parts of the house and the furniture we can find in it. We played a lot of games in the class, the best way to learn even without realizing it! These kids are incredible and soooooo dynamic and time flies thanks to that in our English classes.

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We have linked our previous knowledge about the members of the family to this new topic, which helped us to feel more comfortable and self-confident.

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We have also designed a huge house outside using chalks, in our playground, taking advantage of sunny days in Granada.

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We share with you this cute song that they really looooooove (they even sing something like “this is my house, my SMALL, SMALL house” as the girl is giant compared to the house… hahahaha).

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Happy cultural week to y’all!

Lola and Nina