Archivo de la categoría: 1º EPO


Hello kids from Primary 1!

We are almost finishing the first term and we are so happy we have learnt so many things together!!!

Let’s keep on the good work for next year and let’s enjoy Christmas together! But first, a bit is revision of what we have been learning during the past weeks: Fruits and Vegetables. We have been through all the fruit names that we already know and learn  new ones. We also talked about the fruits that we like and the fruits that we don´t like, and we have had so much fun doing role playing in the market! We definitely can go to buy to any shop in the world! hehe

Here you have some images of our game!



Lots of love from Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana


Hello everyone! How are you?

All our students from Primary 1 love animals soooo much! and we have been doing great learning about them in English class!

We already know how to name wild animals from the jungle and from the sea, farm animals, pets… we have been learning about their characteristics and how to describe them, the place they live and what they can do or cannot do among other things.

We created our personal jungle and farm and shared them with and oral presentation of my animals in front of my classmates!

Enjoy while listening these songs! And always love animals!


Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana 🙂

Happy Halloween!

Hello little pumpkins! And Happy Halloween everyone!

We’ve been doing some scary and funny Halloween activities in our English class today and here it is the result!

See how many beautiful and cute pumpkins!

Have a magic Halloween night and enjoy!

Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana


Hello everyone!

Let’s say welcome to the new season of the year… Autumn!

Even it’s been a month since Autumn started, we are feeling the autumn temperatures now, lot of rain and wind, cold weather, leaves falling down and changing the colour…

In our English classes we’ve been learning about Autumn, its colours, activities, food and animals and we summarised it in our little tiny book of Autumn that we described and explained to our classmates!


Sing the following song to say welcome to Autumn!!!


Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana 



¡Hola familias!

Hoy hemos celebrado el Día de las Lenguas en nuestro colegio, concretamente, el día de ¡todas las lenguas del mundo!

Desde el Departamento de Idiomas, queremos dar las gracias a todas las familias colaboradoras que nos han acercado a las lenguas de Argentina, Alemania, Irlanda, México, Galicia, Estados Unidos, Hong Kong y Valencia; y nos han enseñado, no solo nuevas palabras y expresiones, sino también aspectos súper interesantes de otras culturas y lugares del mundo.

¡Gracias por hacernos disfrutar junto a vosotros y compartir este ratito tan especial!

A su vez, gracias al alumnado que se ha mostrado motivado y feliz decorando el colegio con diferentes lenguas, banderas, mensajes y sobre todo, ¡colores! ¡tantos casi como lenguas hay en el mundo!

Y por último, gracias a todo el profesorado y personal de Alquería Educación por el maravilloso trabajo en equipo.

Compartimos algunas imágenes del bonito trabajo realizado con el alumnado, y ¡un gracias enorme en diferentes idiomas!

¡Gracias! Merci. Xièxiè. Grazie. Shukran. 감사합니다. Arigatô. dhanyavād. ευχαριστώ. Gràcies. Danke. Thanks!

Teacher Manolo, Teacher Bárbara y Teacher Ana 🙂