Welcome on board again :)

Hello everybody!

The goal of this post is to welcome you all to our languages blog at Alquería and to inform you that we will have recurring information about the English and French classes via this blog about every 2 weeks.

For those who are new parents, my name is Lola and I am the English teacher from the blue class to Year 2.

Welcome to school one more time! I am delighted to have your kids back. Our children have grown soooo fast this summer.  A special and warm hello to those new parents this year at Alquería. Nice to meet you all.

This year we are also welcoming a new English teacher at school, Nina. You will get to know her in Year 1 and Year 2, although she is the English teacher from Year 3 to Year 6 too.

See you soon!

Lola and Nina