Bonjour chères familles,

La motivation  de mes élèves en Français  est un boost d’énergie pour nous cours.Nous cours sont dynamiques, amusants, pleins de mouvements et de rires.Merci beacoup! Donc l’apprentissage est plus rapide et plus facile.

Ici , je vous laisse quelques unes de vos chansons et vidéos préférées. Déplacer le squelette!

Queridas familias, 

La motivación de mis alumnos/as en las clases de Francés, es el chute de energía que llena nuestras clases. Nuestras clases son dinámicas, divertidas , cargadas de movimiento y risas. Muchas gracias a todos, pues así el aprendizaje es más rápido y fácil.

Aquí os dejo algunas de vuestras canciones y videos preferidos. ¡Vamos a mover el esqueleto!





Además, ¡ hemos comenzado a escuchar historias en francés para favorecer la escucha y comprensión oral! Écoute attentivement!

Para 2º EPO, añadiré además nuestro video favorito para trabajar la familia , de la mano de un personaje muy divertido y gracioso ¡Ratounet!

Jusqu’à la prochaine fois les amis!

La  maîtresse Bárbara 


Hello everyone from Primary 2! How are you?

During the past weeks in our English classes we have been learning about house, we’ve learnt parts of the house, different rooms in our home and furniture that we can find in each room!

It was nice to create our house not only to play but also to do a great presentation describing the house in detail to all my classmates.

We also learnt some prepositions of place in order to use them while describing the different elements in the house, and we love the song IN, ON, UNDER!

Enjoy! And see you all tomorrow!

Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana


Hello, hello, hello how are you naranjitas?

Are you good? Are you great? Are you wonderful?  🙂

During the past weeks in our orange English class we have been learning about TOYS. We really love playing! And learning English while singing, playing and having a good time! 

Now, we know to name all our favourite toys, such as our soft teddy bears, funny robots, cute dolls, trains, cars, balloons… and so on.

Here you have some videos to have fun with our naughty bird Maggie doing a mess with the toys and our favourite song!

And here we are having fun in our school garden while practising English.

Lots of love

Bárbara & Ana


Hello everyone! How are you?

All our students from Primary 1 love animals soooo much! and we have been doing great learning about them in English class!

We already know how to name wild animals from the jungle and from the sea, farm animals, pets… we have been learning about their characteristics and how to describe them, the place they live and what they can do or cannot do among other things.

We created our personal jungle and farm and shared them with and oral presentation of my animals in front of my classmates!

Enjoy while listening these songs! And always love animals!


Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana 🙂


Dear parents!

Do you want to have a healthy lifestyle?Here we go again learning lots of vocabulary in context. Fruit and vegetables. Let’s play bingo and prepare a big market to play! We are also going to learn to explain our likes or dislikes with regards to food.

These are some videos that help us to learn fruit and vegetables vocabulary!Let ‘s go to sing and dance!

I hope you liked it , we had a  great time ! See you again

Teacher Bárbara