Archivo de la categoría: Clase Naranja, Clase Roja, Clase Verde




Dear families,

¡Qué dura se hace la vuelta a la rutina! Ojalá pudiésemos vivir siempre en un permanente verano , pero como no es así , lo mejor es pintarles una sonrisa a nuestros peques, con dinámicas divertidas que les permitan aprender jugando.

Estos primeros días, los hemos aprovechado para que nuestros peques puedan conocerse mejor , ya que hay algunos compañeros de nueva incorporación, así que las dinámicas lúdicas que hemos empleado nos han permitido potenciar el discurso oral , tan importante para familiarizarnos con el  idioma y refrescar la memoria con respecto a las normas de clase que ya teníamos adquiridas con anterioridad referentes a hábitos y rutinas( higiene, necesidades básicas, relajación, juego)

Here you can see some videos and songs shown in class about greetings and rules of  class. Are you ready to learn English? Learning  English is fun and exciting  with us!Let’s go to start:

We welcome everyone and hope it will be a year full of surprises, adventures and positive experiences together!!

See you soon!



Hello everyone!

Feelings and emotions play a big part in our daily lives and children  should learn about how they  feel to help them react better to different situations.They can be taught positive and negative emotions such as happy, sad, disgusted,angry, scared,hungry and sleepy  at  an early age.

To learn about Feelings and Emotions for kids, watch our  Feelings and Emotions Song  for Kids, Fun Kids English Youtube

When  pronouncing words of emotions, parents should be happy to smile with children. By combining facial  expressions with pronunciation is excellent and fun.

Without a doubt, this is his favorite video, they really enjoy watching it! Inside Out Emotions and Feelings Youtube

I hope you  enjoy it!


I’m so happy to be here!

Hello dear families!

I hope you are having a nice weekend!

First  of all, let me introduce myself. ☺️

I’m Lola and I’m the new English teacher for the Orange, Red and Green classes.  I am also the French and English teacher for Year 1 and Year 2.

I have spend the last weeks getting to know the children and enjoying culture week in Primary.

I am learning the routines in Preschool and I look forward to learning the routines in Primary too.

I am delighted to join Alqueria and I look forward to meeting all of you!


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