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YEAR 1 – Wild animals and their environments

In Year 1 we have worked on wild animals and their environments and now we are going to do a personal presentation on our favourite animal. I goes like this:

  • Hello, my name is Samy
  • I’m 7 years old
  • My favourite animal is the lion
  • It is big
  • It lives in the savanna
  • It is brown and orange
  • Thank you!

En 1º EPO hemos  trabajado en inglés sobre los animales salvajes y sus entornos. Y ahora, vamos a hacer una presentación individual sobre nuestro animal favorito. Este es nuestro guión:

  • Hello, my name is Samy
  • I’m 7 years old
  • My favourite animal is the lion
  • It is big
  • It lives in the savanna
  • It is brown and orange
  • Thank you!

YEAR 2 – Bugs and their environment

In year 2 we have learned the names of different bugs we can find in our environment and we ended the unit by going «bugs hunting» in the garden. We «caught them» with our eyes and described where each one was (tree, leaf, stick, stone, flower). It was fun to run around looking for them!

En 2º hemos aprendido los nombres de distintos bichos que se pueden encontrar en nuestro entorno inmediato. Para finalizar la unidad didáctica, hemos ido a «cazar bichos» en el jardín. Los hemos «atrapado» con la vista y hemos descrito donde cada uno se encontraba posado. Lo hemos pasado bien correteando y buscándolos!