Hello everyone!

Have you noticed It’s cold and windy… Leaves are falling down and changing the colour… Welcome to Autumn season!

Here we are after collecting leaves from our beautiful garden.



We’ve been learning about Autumn, its colours, typical activities, food and animals with our Autumn roulette! We have done a little presentation with our beautiful creations, here you have some pictures and a little story of Autumn. Enjoy!




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Thank you all! 🙂

Teacher Bárbara & Teacher Ana



The seasons are changing and that means good things for us! .We especially love changing things when Fall hits because with it comes pumpkins and spice and everything nice!

One is ORANGE. Two are BROWN .

Three look YELLOW .On the ground.

Three are GREEN. Two bright RED.

One just feel. Upon my head

En el grupo Naranjita hemos  trabajado el Otoño, junto con nuestra mascota «PERICO», además hemos repasado los colores típicos del Otoño a través de canciones divertidas y hemos escuchado historias fascinantes «PETE THE CAT FALLING FOR AUTUMN»

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Además hemos creado nuestro propio árbol de Otoño ,mientras escuchábamos sonidos relacionados con el tiempo Otoñal, la lluvia , el viento …IT WAS REALLY  EXCITING !

See you soon! Next to… HALLOWEEN!

Bárbara y Ana


Hello everyone!

Let’s say welcome to the new season of the year… Autumn!

Even it’s been a month since Autumn started, we are feeling the autumn temperatures now, lot of rain and wind, cold weather, leaves falling down and changing the colour…

In our English classes we’ve been learning about Autumn, its colours, activities, food and animals and we summarised it in our little tiny book of Autumn that we described and explained to our classmates!


Sing the following song to say welcome to Autumn!!!

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Teacher Bárbara & Teacher AnaÂ