Archivo de la etiqueta: body


Hello dear families!

We have been so busy during last weeks that I have not had time to come here to the blog, all my excuses! I spend all my time caring for our little learners.

During these past weeks, children in the Orange Class have been learning a lot about the Three Little Pigs.

We have read the story together and we watched a video with the story once we knew it. We have a lot of fun with this wolf on his car!

Our kids have also built their own three houses using the materials that we  collected from our playground (straw, little sticks and some homemade «bricks» using playdough 😉).

We have also played many funny games related to the story and, of course, we sang and danced a lot!

We then started our following topic: parts of the body! They have learned a laaarge number of body and face parts and we have played many games with songs and flashcards. These kids are amazing!

They love to sing along these songs and dance and dance and dance!

See you soon!



Hello families!

I hope you are well! It is been a while since our last communication, but your kids are my priority!

During lasts weeks we have learned and played a lot!

We have been learning the shapes and playing many fun games related to this topic. The kids on the Red Class have also made shapes with their own bodies and we have had such a good time while playing!

After that, we  designed our own monsters and revised the colours and the parts of the body!

We  decided how many eyes, mouths, ears and noses our monsters were going to have by rolling a die.

Following the monster creation, the Red Class has been completely  immersed in an exciting fantasy world along with princesses, dragons, knights, ogres and castles!

This is been our favourite story and the class  decided to dress up in order to do a play! The result was amazing, bravo!

See you soon!


We wrote books!

Hello Year 2!

We thought in this blog entry, we would help you explain to your parents what we have been working on in class recently. So….

Dear Year 2 Parents:

We have initiated a review of all the concepts that have been working on this year in Year 2.  Of course a key part of our learning has centered on learning phonics and tricky words to  initiate reading and writing abilities in English.  We are pleased that everyone is progressing at their own rate!  It is very exciting to see little readers growing and learning!

¡Hola, 2º!

Hemos pensado utilizar esta entrada del blog para ayudaros a explicar en casa lo que hemos estado trabajando en clase durante los últimos días, así que…

¡Hola, mamás y papás de 2º!

Hemos comenzado una revisión de todos los conceptos que hemos estado trabajando durante este curso. Por supuesto, una parte esencial de nuestro aprendizaje ha sido aprender los sonidos y las “tricky words” (palabras tramposas) para iniciar al alumnado en sus habilidades de lectoescritura en inglés. ¡Estamos muy contentas porque todo el mundo está avanzando a su propio ritmo! ¡Es emocionante ver a estos pequeños y pequeñas lectoras crecer aprendiendo!

Other themes that we have worked on this year include different places (through our celebration of European Day of Languages in September, our Mediterranean Culture Week, and the different international holidays and festivals we have celebrated.)  Additionally, we have revised and added to our knowledge about food, transport, actions, the parts of the house, animals, and bodies.  (It’s been a productive, fruitful year in English class!)

Otros temas que hemos trabajado este año incluyen diferentes lugares (a través de nuestra celebración del Día Europeo de las Lenguas en septiembre, nuestra Semana Cultural sobre el Mediterráneo, y las diferentes festividades internacionales que hemos celebrado).

Además, hemos revisado y añadido a nuestro conocimiento muchos conceptos relacionados con la comida, el transporte, las acciones, las partes de la casa, los animales, y nuestro cuerpo. (¡Ha sido un curso muy fructífero y productivo en clase de inglés!)

For our SUPER REVISION activity, we began by reading  Harold and the Purple Crayon!  This classic book written  by Crockett Johnson in 1955 is still relevant and magical today!  The book is about Harold, who takes his supersize purple crayon to dream and draw his many adventures in the moonlight.  We discussed the book, and then asked the students what color crayon they would use to take them on an adventure! Of course, their adventure included saying what transport they used, places they visited, food they ate, and animals that they saw.  What a fun excuse to put our learning to good use!

Para nuestra actividad de SUPER REVISIÓN, empezamos a leer Harold and the Purple Crayon (Harold y el lápiz morado) Este clásico libro escrito por Crockett Johnson en 1955 sigue siendo relevante y mágico aún hoy en día. El libro nos habla de Harold, que coge su lápiz de color morado y con él dibuja y sueña sus muchas aventuras bajo la luz de la luna.

Primero hablamos sobre el libro, y luego hicimos ronda de preguntas para averiguar qué color elegirían para crear su propia aventura. Por supuesto, su aventura debía incluir los lugares que visitarían, qué medio de transporte utilizarían, la comida que comerían y los animales que verían. ¡Qué excusa más divertida para poner en buena práctica todos nuestros conocimientos!

Finally, after discussing our adventures, we set to the task of reading and writing our own fill-in-the-gap books.  Here are some examples of a few pages the students created:

Finalmente, después de charlar de nuestras aventuras, pasamos a la tarea de leer y escribir nuestro propio libro personalizándolo a nuestra manera. Aquí tenéis algunos ejemplos de algunas de las páginas que han creado:

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You can  watch this delightful story together with your children by clicking below!  We hope you enjoy it and that your child will tell you about the adventure they chose to write!  You will see their creations at the end of the term!

Podéis ver esta deliciosa historia con los peques haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo. ¡Esperamos que la disfrutéis y que vuestro hijo o hija os cuente la aventura que eligió escribir! ¡Veréis sus creaciones al final del trimestre!

We hope you enjoy the story and your weekend!

Esperamos que disfrutéis la historia  y también vuestro fin de semana.

More next week! ¡Hasta la semana que viene!

All the best, Ángela and Lindley


Orange Class

Hello, everyone!

These last two weeks have been so exciting in our English class! We had time to play a lot with our clothes puppets, then we moved towards body topic and danced to Head, shoulders, knees and toes which we love! We also had some relaxing moments listening to quiet music, recognizing the different parts of our body by touching and moving them.

One day, we really wanted to play some puzzle games, so we could use them to revise the colours, and even the numbers and some easy shapes!



See you soon with much more!


We’ve got bones in our Body!

Hi Year 2!

Remember playing body dominos this week?  Here are some photos of our play!

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As we just practiced body parts and Halloween is coming, it makes sense to sing about the inside of our bodies too!  So, why not do the skeleton dance?

And here is a fun Halloween story to help you get in the spirit!

See you in class!

Lindley and Angela