Archivo de la categoría: Orange Class

Orange Class

Hello everyone!

As days get shorter and weather gets colder, we continue learning many things about Autumn in class!

We have also been little dinosaurs, stomping and crunching all over the class and the park 🙂

Let’s dance!


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Hi everyone!

This week we have been doing lots of Autumn activities! We created some autumn fruits  and vegetables with plasticine and danced and sang while counting up to 3.

Let’s practice the Autumn song at home!

Have a great weekend!



A pumpkin
Some autumn leaves

An apple

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Hello everyone!

This week has been spooky!!! We sang and danced a lot while learning the numbers from 1 to 5, and also drove a very funny bus!

We talked about Halloween, and learned a lot about spiders while singing Itsy Bitsy Spider 🙂

Have a Happy Halloween!



The Wheels on the Bus

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Hi everyone! First of all, I wanted to show you my apologies for not having updated the blog during the last days -as you already know, I’ve just arrived to the school and needed some lessons about how the blog works (thanks, Lindley and Isa!)

Now that I’ve learned some basic steps (hopefully I will get used to it as I practice with these first messages), let me talk to you about what we’ve been doing during these last two weeks in the Orange, Red and Green Class.

Orange Class

Starting every class with the greetings and some songs they already know (Hello Song, the Colours Song…) we played a lot with the colours, both in the classroom and in the park. Taking advantage of one of the pupils’ birthday, we also blew up some balloons and talked about their colours while dancing to the music. Every day, we’ve been talking about the weather and autumn. We simulated being some autumn elements (wind, leaves, squirrels, little frogs…)

One day, we went with Silvia for a walk to La Vega, and we learned how beautiful the autumn landscape can be!

The students will  recognize this song:

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Red Class

I was so happy to discover to what extent they already understand English! We’ve been learning some fruits and vegetables, playing withg the classroom toys («I want a tomato, please!») One day, we coloured some vegetables flashcards and they had to ask in English for the colour they wanted to use. Then, we made a presentation of their own «Fruit and vegetables flashcards» and they were so proud of them! They quickly said which fruit/vegetable  it was and its colour («A brown potato«, etc.)

We also sang a lot and talked about the autumn and the weather (I am pretty sure that their favourite song this unit has been this one!):

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Green Class

We’ve been mainly learning the parts of the body, also talking about the colours, the weather, and celebrating one of the pupils’ birthday!

They had real fun singing and dancing some body songs, but what they really loved is to play Simon Says while they learned some body parts and some actions related to them («Simon says ‘Touch your nose‘!, etc.)

This was their favourite song! (Our two bilingual pupils inherently invited the rest of the class to sing the «Here we go!» part, which was so enriching for everyone!):

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I’ll be updating weekly from next week on, see you soon!
