Archivo de la categoría: Clase Roja

A Guest Teacher in the Red Class!


I had a lovely week with the children in the Red Class as a guest English teacher!

This week we reviewed greetings in English with the Hello Song.  Not only did we revise «How are you?»  «I’m fine,»  but we practiced adding other answers: «I’m hungry» (Tengo hambre), «I’m tired» (Estoy cansado), etc.  We will continue to review and practice more feelings to be able to express ourselves.

We also reviewed colors and had a dance party with this Bounce Patrol song!

Here are some songs to practice at home:

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I loved reconnecting with the Red Class!

Have a great weekend!


Orange, Red, Green class (Si alguien necesita el mensaje en español, por favor, que me lo haga saber. Gracias. :))

Good morning dearest families,


Firsly, let me introduce myself for those who just arrived to Alquería Educación. My name is Debora and I am the English teacher for ages between 3 and 8 years old. This is my fourth year at school and I am truly delighted to teach your children. WELCOME YOU ALL!!!!

Secondly, I would love to congratulate our little heroes for their strength and ability to survive this weird situation with the widest smile. YOU ARE SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!!!! BIG APPLAUSE FOR YOU!!!!

You can contact  me through this means writing a comment. It will be a real pleasure to give you a response as soon as possible.

Looking forward to getting the scholar year started, please receive my warm welcome message.  Best regards,

Débora Membrive Góngora

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Red class: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Dear children,

How do you feel about listening to a story? It is one of my favourite books and with it I want you to revise colours, food, fruit, and the days of the week. All in one, and it can’t be another one that «The Very Hungry Caterpillar».

Querid@s tod@s:

¿Qué os parece escuchar una bonita historia? Es uno de mis libros favoritos y con él quiero revisar colores, comida, fruta y los días de la semana. Todo en uno y ni puede ser otro que «La Oruga Glotona».

Os echo de menos,

Débora Membrive Góngora

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Red class: Feelings!

Dear children,

How do feel today? Let’s get ready for feelings! Happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, confused, tired… You can play home to act and guess how every member of you family is feeling today.

Hola a tod@s:

¿Qué tal os sentís hoy? Vamos a pasarlo genial aprendiendo a expresar sentimientos. Feliz, triste, hambriento, sediento, confundido, cansado… Podéis jugar en casa a poner caras y adivinar cada miembro de la familia, cada uno comose sienta hoy.

Un fuerte abrazo,

Débora Membrive Góngora

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Red Class: Days of the week!

Dearest kids!

How are you doing at home? I hope you are behaving really really nicely and that you are enjoying the new situation life has made us go through. My proposal for this rainy day is to revise the days of the week. There is a great game I love to do with them and it is to say a day (for instance Wednesday) and then jump once forward. What is the next day of the week? You can also write each day’s name on a piece of paper and jump on it.

Querid@s niñ@s:

¿Qué tal lo lleváis en casa? Espero que lo estéis pasando genial y que estéis disfrutando de esta nueva situación que la vida nos ofrece. Mi propuesta para este lunes lluvioso es revisar los días de la semana. Hay un juego que me encanta hacer y es decir un día (por ejemplo miércoles) y dar un salto hacia delante. ¿Cuál sería el siguiente día de la semana? Podéis poner el nombre de cada día en el suelo y saltar físicamente sobre ellos para que lo vean.

Un fuerte abrazo,

Débora Membrive Góngora

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